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Hey, everyone. Welcome back in this video. We're talking about well, retargeting, but retargeting to where are we retargeting to a VSL, an add to cart. Maybe we'd do both. What we want to do is essentially maximize our money to make sure that people who are seeing our presentation actually buy that's all we want. We want people to buy. So what you see on your screen is one of the accounts that I manage, and there's a variety of ways that we've done this, right? We've re-targeted people too, a replay. We retargeted people to a cart. We've even retargeted people using messenger with the opportunity to grab a code so they can go to the cart and finish their order. But one of the things that we noticed is that in doing this, if you create a hybrid replay page, that's also a sales page. You tend to get a much better result than if you were just sending people straight to a replay where then they have to go kill, click a button and go somewhere else.
David (00:48):
If you put everything on one page, it makes it easy and you don't need to create multiple essentially sequences to get the end result. So here's an example, as you can see on your screen, we've had campaigns where it's just retargeting to a replay. And in doing that, you could see that it's just like every other ad that you would see in your ad sequence. But when we take them to the page, right, take them here. And then you can see it's essentially a replay page. It's also acting as a sales page. And because all the information's here, you have testimonials what you're going to get. You can see, we have the nice little messenger opportunity here to grab an email, possibly even a phone number, uh, for a freebie. If they decide that they're not ready yet, there's so much proof on this page that by the time they're ready to buy it's all right here.
David (01:36):
So it's essentially like having a sales page and a replay together. Of course, when they click on the cart, they go straight to the cart page, which it opens in a new tab. Why does it open a new tab? Well, they don't have to leave this page. If they want to finish the replay, they could scroll back to the top and listen to it while still having the cart open, all being tracked. And then of course they could still listen while finishing their order. So you could send traffic straight to this, add to cart page as well as you could see what the cart page testimonial, we got some, uh, extra bullet points that tell them what they're going to get inside of the course. You also have a graphic, nothing here, breaks compliance. You could see, we have the information at the bottom that fits the bill of what we need in order to be compliant.
David (02:20):
And then of course, same thing with this page. We have everything we need here in order to be compliant. And all it's doing is pointing to this replay page. And you can see, you know, you have quite a bit of success, retargeting people straight to a replay page and possibly even a purchase page. If your replay hits the nail on the head of what people want, right? Of course, this is a heavy amount of retargeting. And the great part is that yes, it came out to 18, $19 per sale. And that's astronomical. For course it's hundreds of dollars. But one of the things that we noticed was the, you know, the page answers all the common questions that someone would have if they were looking to make the purchase, there's tons of social proof. So that way people don't have to second guess whether or not this is a legitimate offer.
David (03:00):
The ad itself is simple. It's a video ad that basically breaks down what it is. It's on the other side, why they need the watch, the replay and what's being delivered. And then on top of that, it's only going to people who registered and it excludes the people who've already bought. So, you know, you're not bothering anyone other than those who registered and didn't take an action. And so by doing this, you cut out the headache of whether or not you feel you're targeting the right people for what it is you're promoting. It goes straight to the register. It's only no one else, no one else sees this, but them. And then you have the opportunity to continually retarget them in your closing sequence, whether it's two days, five days long, and you could try different video, you could try different copy, but this hybrid it's like a VSL.
David (03:42):
It's, it's not an add to cart page, cause that's the second option, but it's a VSL. It's a replay. And you've got the opportunity to target them with different messaging. Especially if it's frequently asked questions or common objections they may have, and you point them all here. And if they like what they see, they click that button opens a new tab and you get the opportunity to then retarget them to the cart page by only targeting those who hit the cart page. So you could take this a step further if you want to, but in doing this, you at least are getting the best of both worlds replay in a sales page together. Re-targeting your registrant's. And you can be hyper effective in how you were doing that so long as you know exactly what grabs their attention. And in this case, the ad that we put together is focusing on common objections and frequently asked questions. And then if they want to learn more and be able to take advantage of the offer, we put out front for them, they could watch the replay. And that is what you need to do in order to truly Retarget your viewers for the best possible result.