Member's Home - TEW Video Mentoring Program Course
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Welcome to The Entrepreneur's Wife
Video Mentoring Program Course!
My Entrepreneur’s Wife’s journey was one that did not come with a road map, could not be charted by any GPS, and one for which no instruction manual existed. As I’ve traveled, there have been rocky roads, potholes, dangerous cliffs, unexpected detours, and maybe even a few unfortunate pedestrian casualties along the way. I’ve had to take an introspective look at myself, face my ego, and even question my purpose, both in the journey and in life.
And yet, here we are 18+ years later better, stronger, and closer than ever before.
Now I want to share with you how you too can achieve a strong, empowered entrepreneurial marriage along side your business.
When you create a supportive environment, develop unbreakable trust, undoubting belief, and unconditional love you will have an unstoppable marriage.
I am sincerely grateful for you and your commitment to finding your own light and stepping into your own greatness while being the backbone of the family. Let's get started, girl!