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Clicks, Conversions, Clients Course > Module 1: Advertising Fundamentals

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Video 06: Avoiding Mistakes With Facebook Ads

  • These are five critical mistakes that most people make when running their ads. 
  • If you're not trying different ad variations, whether it's headlines, calls to action images, etc. then you have no idea what works and what doesn't. And that's not how we do things as marketers.  Always be testing. 
  • Don't ignore testing out different ad variations at any point when creating ads on Facebook.
  • Don't target the wrong audience. I know this seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people target audiences that have nothing to do with their product or their service.
  • Don't run ads to the devices that are not generating clicks and, in most cases, conversions. When you run ads, always check your reports to see if it's desktop or if it's mobile. If you're doing mobile ads, see which devices are generating the clicks, the leads, and the conversions you have, see what is getting you the best ROI. It makes no sense to run ads to devices that are doing nothing for you. You're just wasting money. Of course, you need to run ads for some time in order to get that data, but don't leave it on.
  • Don’t start big and throw lots of money away. In essence, you'll lose your shirt quickly. If it goes wrong, there's no way more clever than to start small and make every dime count. So no money is wasted. You want to just gather data on a small scale so you can make better decisions of what to do with your ad campaign down the road. If you run ads for $5-$10 a day for two to three days, you'll gather enough info to know whether or not a campaign is going to work.
  • And lastly, don't send your traffic to an inconsistent content or an inconsistent offer. In other words, don't send your traffic to a page that doesn't connect with the ad.
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David (00:01):

Hey, everyone. Welcome back in this video, we're going to focus on the five mistakes you need to avoid when running Facebook ads. These are five critical mistakes that most people make when running their ads. And I want to make sure you are aware of them, so you don't make these mistakes too. All right. So understand this Facebook ads are a great way to get traffic, but you'll lose a lot of money if you're not clear with your objective, do it right. You'll have floods of chart, targeted traffic, really cheap, and you'll make tons of profit. And obviously we'll talk more about that later, but before you get started running ads, here are the five things you should never do when paying for your Facebook ads. So pay close attention. Don't ignore split testing. I don't know how often I see my clients or my students make this mistake.

David (00:52):

If you're not trying different ad variations, whether it's headlines calls to action images, then you have no idea what works and what doesn't. And that's not how we do things as marketers. We're always testing, always be testing, and I know it's confusing, but there's a way to do it right in a way to do it wrong, which I go over throughout this course ignore this. And your split testing will be a complete waste of time and give you terrible results. Okay? So we're going to talk thoroughly about split testing later in this course, but don't ignore testing out different ad variations at any point when creating ads on Facebook,

David (01:34):

Don't target the wrong audience. I know this seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people target audiences that have nothing to do with their product or their service. If you are delivering something to a real estate niche, specifically investors, but you are targeting real estate general people looking to buy and sell homes and not just investors. It's too broad. And you're targeting many people who don't need your product or service. That's just one of the many examples that I see on a daily basis. So it's vital. Your ads are shown to the correct people and your whole audience may not actually be a good fit for seeing your ads. So get the targeting just slightly wrong. And your whole campaign costs you much more than it should and will not convert. It happens. It's unfortunate. We all make this mistake, but it's something that you need to know.

David (02:28):

Don't run ads to the devices that are not generating clicks. And in most cases, conversions and certain ad types and devices are driving the bulk of your traffic. And you'll probably be surprised at which ones, check your reports, adjust your ads to reflect which devices are driving the traffic and generating conversions. When you run ads, always check your reports to see if it's desktop, if it's mobile. And if you're doing mobile ads, see which devices are generating the clicks, the leads in the conversions you have, see what is getting you the best ROI. It makes no sense to run ads to devices that are doing nothing for you. You're just wasting money. Of course, you need to run ads for some time in order to get that data, but don't leave it on. If it's not doing anything for you,

David (03:20):

Don’t start big and throw lots of money away. In essence, you'll lose your shirt quickly. If it goes wrong, there's no way more clever than to start small and make every dime count. So no money is wasted. You need to be smart. Okay? Throughout this course, I've mentioned starting with a small budget. You want to start with $5 a day, $10 a day, and that's on a per ad set level. You want to just gather data on a small scale so you can make better decisions of what to do with your ad campaign down the road. You run ads $5, $10 a day. For two to three days, you'll gather enough info to know whether or not a campaign is going to work. And that's on a per ad set level. And if all of your ad sets are underperforming, let's say you have five running at $5 a day, you spend 50 to a hundred dollars and you see nothing's happening.

David (04:14):

That's a sign that maybe you need to try something else. And the same goes when you're testing devices, you have to test everything. So don't start too large and throw away your money. Don't go after interests with 4 million people in it and spend $5. Cause then it's just going to go to, you know, a thousand people. You're not really going to get a big enough sample size. The audience is too large. Start small, get a more target audience and just use a little bit of money here and there until you find the right mix of people. And lastly, don't send your traffic to an inconsistent content or an inconsistent offer. It doesn't make sense. So don't send your traffic to a page that doesn't connect with the ad. People will just bounce and your money, and traffic's wasted. If you're talking about something in real estate investing, and then you send them to a page, that's all about why you need to do coaching with this real estate guru. It makes no sense it's an inconsistent offer. So make sure that you are providing the audience with an ad and an image that correlates with your product or service or lead gen offer, whatever it is, make sure it's consistent. If it's inconsistent, you're throwing away your money. So please don't make any of these mistakes. When you are running your Facebook ads.



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