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Everyone welcome back in this video, we're going to talk about choosing your objective for Facebook advertising. This is extremely important because by choosing the correct objective for your ad, you're able to get the best possible ad type to deliver the results that you need.
David (00:21):
All right. So what are Facebook ad objectives? So Facebook ads features let you choose the placement of your ad and the ads objective. As you can see on the right hand side, there are all sorts of ad objectives. Page post engagement, page likes clicks, clicks, the website, website conversion, so on and so forth. So for instance, is your objective to get more likes or more clicks to your website. Each ad will get different results. Okay? So if you're looking to get a lot more clicks, you would click on clicks the website. You want a bunch of conversions website conversions. Now you can also use multiple ad objectives to get different results. For example, you could still use a clicks to website, objective to get conversions. It's simply being able to understand what each objective means to you. So the first step is setting up your ad.
David (01:14):
Okay? So your objective, as I mentioned before, you have all these different objectives with page post engagement, you're creating ads that boost posts increase, likes, comments, shares, video plays, and photo views. You want more likes a page likes objective increases. Your audience clicks the website. You're encouraging people to visit your site with a website conversion objective. You're promoting a specific action. You want people to take such as let's say, opting in for a ebook or signing up via email for a video series. Now with app installs, you're a drinker. You're encouraging people to install an app from Facebook, with app engagement, getting more activity for your app, local awareness ads. They encourage locals to become perspective buyers. Whether it's through contacting you or getting driving directions to your location event responses, essentially they increase attendance to your Facebook page event. Offer claims, promoting your offers and finally video views.
David (02:20):
They encourage people to view your video. As you could see, each objective is very easy to understand. Now it's just choosing the one that fits your needs. So for example, if you want to drive traffic to your site, you would select the clicks to website ad objective, to get the responses you want from Facebook viewers, right? You want more clicks. You choose clicks to website. You want more boost, you choose page post engagement. You just choose the one that fits you. Okay. So let's say you are looking to test page post engagement, okay. Page post engagement ad objective drives likes common shares, voted views and video, right? These are all geared to getting people to engage with your posts. So after you enter your page or URL, you have the option of using an existing post from the drop down menu. Now, if you're someone who's very active on your Facebook page, you're able to choose a past post or existing post in order to turn it into an ad. If you want to create a new ad that does not show up on your timeline or newsfeed, that's called a dark post. And if you create that dark post, the only people who see them are the ones that you target via your ad.
David (03:39):
You would then click to continue and you are taken to a preview of your ad. And this is all from the main ad menu, okay? Not power editor from the ads manager. So you can click on different views to see it in a mobile setting, desktop setting, right hand column setting, so on and so forth. So be aware that Facebook ads appear differently depending on the device, the reader is using to view Facebook in the viewers location and the results you want to achieve. So everything is different depending on the device, your image might look crisp and clean on desktop. And sometimes it may not look that way on mobile. So make sure you check your ad images when running them to multiple devices. Here's another example with page likes, the ad format helps you get new fans to your page, right? So something will come up in the newsfeed, whether it's mobile or desktop or show up in the right hand side. And it's telling people to like your page based on interests, based on any customer lists, you've uploaded. It's basically just getting people to agree that they like the content you're posting.
David (04:46):
How about website conversion objective? Well that directs your traffic to your site, requires you to place a conversion pixel on your site. So we're going to talk about conversion pixels and custom audiences later, but essentially these pixels and audiences are able to track who it is, has converted to your site for certain objective, whether it's to leave their email, leave their phone number, both. And based on the location of that conversion tracking pixel, you're able to see who it is. That's converted, whether it's a checkout, a registration, a page view, or a lead. So how do you create a conversion pixel? So if you're inside of your account right now in your ads manager, you would click on conversion tracking on the left hand side, and then at the top, right? You should see a green button that says, create pixel. You then choose the type of pixel you want, and you would name your conversion pixel with whatever name you'd like to choose.
David (05:47):
You would then copy that code and add it to your webpage. And it should be pasted between the open head tag and the closed head tag, or known as the header on your webpage, where you to track those conversions. For example, someone lands on your website and they leave their email in the email form. You want to put the conversion tracking pixel on the page. That's after they leave their information. In most cases, it's a thank you page. That's where you'd want to place the pixel. So, you know, who has converted into a lead of registration, checkout, someone And so forth.
David (06:21):
So to see the performance of your ad objective in the ads tab of your ads manager, you can click on the ad itself and you can look for results and cost per column. And I'll show you more about this in the later modules. So you can look at the results, which is the number of actions that have resulted from your ad and people connected to the objective that you choose. This is the cost per each result for the advertising objective, which you selected for your ad, such as cost per click. So if you're looking at different costs, whether it's a per click per registration, per lead per checkout, that's all viewable within your ad reports. In the next video, I'm going to show you the different types of ad formats and being able to understand which format is best for your offer.