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Hey everyone. Welcome back. So we're going to be putting together a quick little demo on the importance of awareness campaigns. Now I justify awareness campaigns is either the awareness campaigns set up within ads manager or a page post engagement campaign. They can both be used simultaneously. They both have different purposes with this example, I'm going to show you how we've, we're going to take a existing campaign and utilize it for a brand awareness campaign. So for those of you, who've never quite built a brand awareness campaign. Uh, it was very easy to set up, right? So under the campaign objective, you can see here there's one called brand awareness. The entire intention behind brand awareness is so that people become familiar with your brand through your content, whether it's through, uh, image, content, written content that's without image or video or video content, Facebook creates the brand campaign with what they call lift.
David (01:07):
So basically the more often people see it, the more often they engage with it, the higher probability it is that someone's going to recognize your brand and thus engage with it. So in this example, when you were looking to create an engagement, a brand awareness campaign, it's very similar to how you'd set up an engagement campaign. It's literally the exact same setup, except they have a very different metric that they are looking to achieve. So for example, here, you can see with engagement campaigns, what they're really just tracking is how many people are engaging with it with this content. Is it a like comment, share a click of view, but when you were doing something pertaining to brand awareness, what you'll notice is that in your metrics, what you'll look for is under awareness, right? What they're going to have is estimated ad recall lift estimated ad recall lift rate, and then the cost per estimated ad recall lift.
David (02:00):
So once again, the ad recall is the number of people. The estimate of the number of people were additional people who may remember seeing your ads. So if you're someone who wants to be remembered, you're someone who wants to be seen often you can run brand awareness, campaigns and page post engagement campaigns simultaneously. Okay. So as you can see in this account, we already have engagement campaigns running. So you could take that content and essentially duplicate it and turn it into a brand awareness campaign and have them running simultaneously this way. You're able to see, you know, how are these audiences engaging with your content, whether it's from a view standpoint or a light comment or share standpoint, and then have a separate campaign where the brand awareness will determine whether or not these exact same audiences are going to recall anything that you've created.
David (02:51):
And by the way, if you select these options, as you could see with the awareness campaign, it'll still show you what the ad recall is and what the lift rate is. Now, of course with me, I want to have a higher lift and a higher amount of people seeing this content, because as you can see, there's been over 109,000 engagements, but only 2,770 people have the highest probability of actually remembering the content. Whereas in these two segments, the warm and the offer audiences, this is strictly retargeting. So from those 2,770 people, you could see there's 50 of those people who are still engaging with further content. And then from those who are engaging with the content, I'm also retargeting them separately with an offer. And at least 80 of those people are not only coming back and engaging with the offer. They're also taking some sort of action on the offer.
David (03:46):
So using the brand awareness campaign structure is very similar to the engagement structure, except all you're doing is building up an audience of people who have a higher probability of remembering what it is you've delivered to the world. And the great part is utilizing this recall structure here and the lift rate, your, you can essentially put the content out there and see what these lift rates are and the amount of people who have the highest chance of being a part of that lift audience. And if you decided that you only wanted to run content with a 2% or higher lift rate, you can do so. And this would allow you to build more engaged audiences and thus rotate creative more effectively, so that you're able to create a much larger audience of people who are going to remember your face, remember your words, and remember your content longterm.
David (04:37):
So once again, PPE engagement campaigns and brand awareness campaigns can be used simultaneously, but you can also utilize the engagement campaigns in order to better understand the awareness level, the recall lift rates and the, the recall of the amount of people who are going to determine whether or not they want to continue engaging and clicking and liking and commenting, sharing on your content for the future. So if you're looking to incorporate both types of campaign structures, you can do so it's built just like any other engagement campaign where you're essentially putting together audiences and you put the content with within those audiences to see how the contents reacting with each audience. And then you could simply duplicate the whole campaign, changed the objective to awareness and run a strictly awareness based campaign and make your judgment calls on whether or not the lift rate is where you want it to be. And that's how you can utilize engagement campaigns and awareness campaigns simultaneously for the best possible branding.
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