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Clicks, Conversions, Clients Course > Module 5: Targeting

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Video 04: Demographics & Interest Expansion

  • Here's how you go about creating audiences and doing research.  You can go about it in two different ways, and the one is what I would think of as a simple way, the other is more complex, but it takes some research. 
  • So in your account, If you click on ads manager, go to all tools, you'll see a section here specifically called audience insights. So this is where you could dig around and do some research ahead of time before going into your ad account and creating some ads. 
  • So let's say you're a PT. You want to sell to an audience of people online because you're going to do some online personal training. And you know that your ideal audience is between 18 to 34 and you're in the U S so we already are at 18. 
  • We're going to set the age limit to 34. And let's say you do primarily well with women. Every time you include something, it tells you the difference in the overall number. So we're at 35 to 40 million people. 36% of them are between 18 and 24, 64% between 25 34. Now this is where you have to get creative. So let's say you want to plug in the language, plug in English, and let's say, the majority of your audience is married.
  • Let's say they have some college education, and let's say they're mostly parents.  So now, you know, you have a mother who went to college, got a degree she's married and before you ever put an interest, you're at one to 1.5 million people. That's a really good audience. 
  • You also see here, the majority of those people are 25 to 34. You could take this information and go directly to your campaign, set up this audience and start targeting them, refine it further. 
  • Here's what I do, right? So you already know they're married. They went there to college degree. They're women, your parents you're like, but there's something missing. There you go to the page like section. And now see what the majority of these women who are parents who are married are so looking into this doesn't necessarily mean, this is what you should be plugging in.
  • This is just what they're interested in. You could see Birchbox. You could see they have, uh, bringing home the Browns. I don't even know what that is. Modern vintage boutique. Now all these are, but it just gives you an idea of what they're looking at. What are they searching most commonly on Facebook, who they follow as public figures. 
  • I follow for blogs, comedians, you name it. Now the great thing about this is if you decided you wanted to target any of these or here, but here's what I like. Most, these are pages that people follow in high demand. Some of these pages will come up as interest and some will not outlet. I know comes up cause it's a company that sells a device specific to babies. And so if you wanted to target this specific group, you already know it's one to 1.5 million people.
  • If you want to refine it further, you can go under the page like section of the tool and find some relevant pages to where a lot of these women are hanging out. 
  • What websites are they looking at? What athletes do they follow? And every time you make an adjustment, it gives you a new number. The great thing is it also tells you location. So you can see the top cities they're in. And in this case, if you're only targeting the U S as an important cause, then you could see where do most of these women reside. And if you wanted to go further, if you wanted to only focus on Florida, you want to only focus on California. You can do that. 
  • So you can use this tool to sort of conceptualize audiences ahead of time. This is how you can do your research. If you're someone like me, who can work with men and women, you could see here, men and women classified as parents who are married and have a college degree, you're at 400 to 450,000 people.
  • That's a great size audience. I like to work with audiences over a hundred thousand people at a time. And even if it's a million people, that's fine, but a hundred thousand or more is the ideal audience size. And I oftentimes want to get the age range, figured out, burst gender. I can always work with later. That's more based on prep, preference, but age. I definitely want to figure out like for me, I work with a lot of 25 to 44-year-olds. So when I am creating my audience, I will put 25 to 44 in his tool and I just start plugging away on interests. And then I just look at what the audience looks like from there. I go to page likes, and then I find some relative, relatively useful audiences in here that are similar to what I plugged in. And then I can see if I could target those audiences in my campaign.
  • You could do it within the ads manager itself like I'm doing here. You can also do examples in audience insights and carry over that information to your ads manager, but keep in mind, no matter how much research you do, you still have to test. 
  • So there's all these different suggestions. You can create multiple variations of this ad set. You know, all you have to do is duplicate it, add in a different interest and that potential reach changes again. And that could be a new target for you. This is how you go about doing your audit into research and creation of the process.
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David (00:01):

Hey, everyone in this video, I want to show you how you go about creating audiences and doing research and creation. Now, this is actually not that difficult. You can go about it in two different ways. And the one is what I would think of as a simple way. And the one is more complex, but it takes some research. So in your account, you'll see here. If you click on ads manager, go to all tools, you'll see a section here specifically called audience insights. So this is where you could dig around and do some research ahead of time before going into your ad account and creating some ads. So let's say in this case, you know, you're a PT. You want to sell to an audience of people online because you're going to do some online personal training. And you know that your ideal audience is between 18 to 34 and you're in the U S so we already are at 18. We're going to set the 34. And let's say you do primarily well with women automatically. Every time you include something, it tells you the difference in the overall number. So we're at 35 to 40 million people. 36% of them are between 18 and 24, 64% between 25 34. Now this is where you have to get creative. So let's say you want to plug in the language, plug in English, and let's say, the majority of your, your audience is married.


David (01:24):

You want to take it further? Let's say they have some college education, and then are they parents? Let's say they're mostly parents, right? So now, you know, you have a mother who went to college, got a degree she's married and automatically before he ever put an interest, you're at one to 1.5 million people. That's a really good audience. You also see here, the majority of those people are 25 to 34. You could take this information and go directly to your campaign, set up this audience and start targeting them, refine it further. Here's what I do, right? So you already know they're married. They went there to college degree. They're women, your parents you're like, but there's something missing. There you go to the page like section. And now see what the majority of these women who are parents who are married are so looking into this doesn't necessarily mean, this is what you should be plugging in.


David (02:20):

This is just what they're interested in. You could see Birchbox. You could see they have, uh, bringing home the Browns. I don't even know what that is. Modern vintage boutique. Now all these are, but it just gives you an idea of what they're looking at. What are they searching most commonly on Facebook, who they follow as public figures. I follow for blogs, comedians, you name it. Now the great thing about this is if you decided you wanted to target any of these or here, but here's what I like. Most, these are pages that people follow in high demand. Some of these pages will come up as interest and some will not outlet. I know comes up cause it's a company that sells a device specific to babies. And so if you wanted to target this specific group, you already know it's one to 1.5 million people.


David (03:08):

If you want to refine it further, you can go under the page, like section of the tool and find some relevant pages to where a lot of these women are hanging out. And you can essentially apply this same logic in variety of ways, but let's say you want to take it further. And you're like, you know what? I want to work with women 18 to 34, who are parents. And there you have a college degree, but you want to go up to people who are interested in health and wellness. So you would type in health in Facebook, comes back with some interest groups here. So you type in health and wellness. Now, you know, that's 300 to five, uh, 300, 350,000 people. Once again, look at those lakes, they all changed, but also gives you more perspective. Who else are they following? What companies they following?


David (03:47):

What websites are they looking at? What athletes do they follow? And every time you make an adjustment, it gives you a new number. The great thing is it also tells you location. So you can see the top cities they're in. And in this case, if you're only targeting the U S as an important cause, then you could see where do most of these women reside. And if you wanted to go further, if you wanted to only focus on Florida, you want to only focus on California. You can do that. So you can use this tool to sort of conceptualize audiences ahead of time. This is how you can do your research. If you're someone like me, who can work with men and women, you could see here, men and women classified as parents who are married and have a college degree, urea 400 to 450,000 people.


David (04:25):

That's a great size audience. I like to work with audiences over a hundred thousand people at a time. And even if it's a million people, that's fine, but a hundred thousand or more is the ideal audience size. And I oftentimes want to get the age range, figured out, burst gender. I can always work with later. That's more based on prep, preference, but age. I definitely want to figure out like for me, I work with a lot of 25 to 44 year olds. So when I am creating my audience, I will put 25 to 44 in his tool and I just start plugging away on interests. And then I just look at what the audience looks like from there. I go to page likes, and then I find some relative, relatively useful audiences in here that are similar to what I plugged in. And then I can see if I could target those audiences in my campaign.


David (05:11):

So that's one way you can go about doing research, but maybe you're someone like me. Who's been doing this for awhile. You've created an ad set. You're looking to put together an audience and you're like, you know what? I think I can do it this way. So I already have an idea of the States that I want to target the plugs in the location, 25 to 40 women language. And in this case, I specifically want to go up to people with degrees because historically we find that they have a little bit more money. Not necessarily that they are debt-free, but they have more money to spend because maybe the job they have or something along those lines. And then what we've done is I know that I work well with people in certain industries. So there's a section under demographics called work, or what I did is I went to industries and I selected all the industries that I know that I can get quite a lot of people who are interested in my services, who have jobs in these fields.


David (06:03):

And then I selected those Facebook told me it's 760,000 people. Now, remember, I didn't say any of these were married. And these people were married. This is just simply the amount of people who have one of these four degrees and are in any of these industries, between the ages of 25 to 40, who are women in these States, still 760,000 people. If we want to take it further, I can narrow it further, go to browse, demographics, parents, all parents, 400,000 people, right? That's one way to take it further. If I wanted to target more interests, maybe I don't want to target parents. Maybe I want to target people who are interested in a personal fitness, or maybe they're looking for, Oh, here we go. Personal training and fitness. Nope. That's a field of study. That's the people who are already in the field. Maybe they're looking for a personal trainer. Now we're looking at 200,000 people. So people interested in personal training, maybe not quite what you're looking for. Maybe you're just looking for weight loss.


David (07:03):

Now we can go even further. Now we know that people who look in the weight loss could be a good fit. So we click on weight loss. Let's remove personal trainer. Now we're at 92,000. So once again, twenty-five to 40 women with a certain level of degree in a certain industry, they work looking at weight loss related information, 92,000 people. That's how you can refine your audience. That's how you can go about doing your research. It's just plugging away, seeing how the audience changes. Every time you make an adjustment, this number changes. What we look for is a hundred thousand or more in this case. It's very low. So what we do is go to suggestions. Maybe we'll add in health and wellness. Now we're at 270,000. I'm comfortable with that. I can work with that. So as you can see, there's multiple ways to go about doing your research.


David (07:47):

You could do it within the ads manager itself like I'm doing here. You can also do examples in audience insights and carry over that information to your ads manager, but keep in mind, no matter how much research you do, you still have to test. So there's all these different suggestions. You can create multiple variations of this ad set. You know, all you have to do is duplicate it, add in a different interest and that potential reach changes again. And that could be a new target for you. This is how you go about doing your audit into research and creation of the process.


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