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Hey, everyone. Welcome back in this video. We're going to be breaking down how campaigns work now. Here's what I mean by that. It's not just an overview of what a campaign is because we've already done that. This is more along the lines of understanding what is within a campaign, how to comprehend that data and what to do from there. So as you can see on your screen, we're in an account right now, an active account that is spending several thousand dollars a day, breaking down each campaign so that we can see where there's possibility of scale. Right? And this is how you're able to take things to the next level. So let's first look at the different styles of campaigns, right? So we have what's called a CBO. So campaign, budget optimization and ABO. So ad budget optimization, meaning meaning more like an ad budget towards an ad set, right?
David (00:45):
That's more of the old-school way of setting things up. It still works very, very well. And anytime you see a campaign that says using ad set budget, that's an ABO. Anytime you see a budget like this, that's a CBO. So keep that in mind for when you are breaking down campaigns. Now, as you can see in this campaign here, this is individual budgets based upon the audiences. And so those audiences can vary based upon their just look alike audiences. They're just interests. Maybe they're intersected together where it's interests and the lookalikes. And so oftentimes when you're doing an ad set budget type of campaign, you could stick every single variation you could think of in one central campaign. Whereas when you're doing a CBO, you actually want to minimize the amount of available audiences that you're going to advertise to at one time, because it has to spread that budget amongst all of the audiences in the campaign.
David (01:41):
And it doesn't always do it in a way where every single ad set gets equal distribution. And there's a whole video on the difference between campaign budget and ad set budget. And I show you how to walk through creating those. Now, keep in mind when you going through these campaigns, as you can see, these are active ones, right? You could see that these are CBO setups. Now, why would you have multiple CBOs? These are all the same audience. Okay. That's another thing to keep in mind. They're all the same audience, but there could be a slight tweak such as they are using conversion optimization versus value optimization optimization. They could be a bid cap versus a cost cap. And oftentimes when you're using a CBO in a campaign set up, you want to have all cost caps in one campaign, all bid caps in another, all of the campaign that is set up in this one is automatic placements versus another campaign where it's all Facebook newsfeed or just Facebook and another one that's just Instagram.
David (02:38):
And they can all be the same audience and have different setups. So oftentimes you want to keep that in mind when you're using a CBO, you're going to segment out the different ways that you want to advertise to a group of audiences. And I say KIBO between four to six, I've seen some people go as far as eight. I like to keep between four and six, but if you're doing an ad budget, as you could see in the campaign here, you could throw every variable you want in there. You could throw in, uh, any sort of manual bids, whether they're cost cap, bid, cap, minimum ROAS return on ad spend, you could throw in automatic placements, segmented placements of, you know, just Facebook, just Instagram. You could throw everything you want in here. And so just keep that in mind. Now, another way that you can go about setting up these campaigns is you can have it to where each campaign represents a specific image or a specific piece of copy or a variation of that.
David (03:31):
So what I mean by that is you could see here in the labeling, right? I have it set up to, I know what exactly the creative is and the copy variation is, but I have a number here. Well, why is that? Well, that means it's the third variation of an ad that I'm testing. And so I know this is image one dash three, it's the third variation of this campaign. So when I look at a campaign, I could say, okay, this is the third variation of something. This is the second variation of something. And so that way I'm able to at least identify what it is that I am going to be promoting within that campaign. And then I can also take that ad in, dig further into the data and see if it's something I want to scale even more. So understand that each campaign has some sort of representation.
David (04:14):
Does it represent a group of audiences, a bunch of audiences? Is it a certain setup, CBO, a B O is it targeting all interests, all lookalikes or combination of both. That is the whole intention of a campaign. That's why you need to make sure that you label it accordingly. That's why you could see that in my naming convention. Just so I'm able to be aware of what it is I'm advertising. I know this is a third funnel that we've tested out. I know that it's our best video and image combination. I know that it's doing conversion optimization and that it's the third variable of something on the copy side that we're testing here. You can use any naming convention you want. There is no clear-cut reason is you should use one type versus the other. This is just what makes it easy for me to understand.
David (04:55):
And so that's how campaigns work. It allows you to identify what it is that you're advertising everything's in the central dashboard. When you log in, this is the, the preset setup. I customize the report in order to include things such as add to carts, checkouts purchases. And we have a whole section on how to set up your reporting. So make sure you have your tracking in place so that everything shows up in your campaign dashboard. So you can comprehend what it is that you're advertising. And that is how campaigns work in the Facebook ad manager.
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