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Clicks, Conversions, Clients Course > Module 7: The Foundation of Scaling

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Video 10: Trust the "Learning Phase"

  • The learning phase is Facebook's way of telling you that we're learning and acquiring information that we need to be the most effective with your money. If in a given week, you can acquire 50 leads, 50 purchases, 50, add to carts, checkouts applications calls with similar audiences in various campaigns. You get through the learning phase faster. That's the magic number is 50. It doesn't have to be 50 sales or leads or anything in one ad set.
  • If you're targeting the same lookalike in multiple campaigns and you get to a cumulative number of 50, you'll get out of the learning phase, all it is is Facebook telling you, we're figuring out who to target with your ads so that you get those leads, those purchases, those calls, those appointments, you name it. 
  • In the beginning, if your creative and your copy aligned with who you're targeting, learning phase doesn't matter. There are plenty of accounts that I manage in the learning phase, we are seeing phenomenal CPAs, phenomenal. CPLs you name it? And by the time they exceed that learning phase, the numbers just get even better. If anything, those ads continue to perform well. Well, beyond that week or two that we needed to get to 50 events fired. So those are why we can run those ads for a month, two months, three months.
  •  You're learning yourself, you're going through your learning phase. What ads are working for me? What audiences are working for me? What do I need to do to make this work longterm? So as much as you have your learning phase, let Facebook do the rest. It's not your enemy. It's your friend. Let them get the data. That's why I talked about letting ads run for three days. That's why I talked about making sure you understand your costs. What's the most you're willing to spend to get a leader purchase or whatever it is you're going for and let the learning phase go through the motions of what it needs so you can be effective.
  •  Long-term you cut things off too soon. You cut things off because you're concerned about your budget. Well, at the end of the day, you're not going to get what you need to be effective. So if you're looking for the best possible outcome with your scaling, don't look at the learning phase as an enemy. It's your friend.

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David (00:01):

I'm so surprised. How many of you think the learning phase is something that you're battling up against that it's a competition when in reality, it's your friend, the learning phase is simply Facebook's way of telling you that we're learning and acquiring information that we need in order to be the most effective with your money. And we all know that the average number of events that need to fire is 50. So think about this. If in a given week, you are able to acquire 50 leads, 50 purchases, 50, add to carts, checkouts applications calls with similar audiences in various campaigns. You get through the learning phase faster. That's the magic number is 50. It doesn't have to be 50 sales or leads or anything in one ad set it's similar audiences. So if you're targeting the word copywriting in 10 campaigns, if those cumulation of the word copywriting in those 10 campaigns gets to 50 events leads.


David (01:06):

In this case, you get past the learning phase. It's that simple. If you're targeting the same lookalike in multiple campaigns and you get to a cumulative number of 50, you'll get out of the learning phase, all it is is Facebook telling you, we're figuring out who to target with your ads so that you get those leads, those purchases, those calls, those appointments, you name it. And in the beginning, if your creative and your copy aligned with who you're targeting, learning phase doesn't matter. There are plenty accounts that I manage where in the learning phase, we are seeing phenomenal CPAs, phenomenal. CPLs you name it? And by the time they exceed that learning phase, the numbers just get even better. If anything, those ads continue to perform well. Well, beyond that week or two that we needed in order to get to 50 events fired. So those are why we can run those ads for a month, two months, three months.


David (02:03):

And we still have ads that can run as long as six months, longer, longer, depending on the industry. So learning phases in a bad thing, learning phase is simply trying to accumulate the data. You need to be effective. You're learning, you're going through your own learning phase. What ads are working for me? What audiences are working for me? What do I need to do in order to make this work longterm? So as much as you have your own learning phase, let Facebook do the rest. It's not your enemy. It's your friend. Let them get the data. That's why I talked about letting ads run for three days. That's why I talked about making sure you understand your costs. What's the most you're willing to spend to get a leader purchase or whatever it is you're going for and let the learning phase go through the motions of what it needs. So you can be effective. Long-term you cut things off too soon. You cut things off because you're concerned about your budget. Well, at the end of the day, you're not going to get what you need in order to be effective. So if you're looking for the best possible outcome with your scaling, don't look at the learning phase as an enemy. It's your friend. 


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