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Clicks, Conversions, Clients Course > Module 8: Adv. Campaign Segmentation

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Video 07: How to Setup Retargeting Campaigns that Convert

  • In this video, we're talking about retargeting campaigns that convert very simple straight to the point. And in the last video, we talked about setting up those custom audiences that will give you a successful retargeting campaign. So we're going to expand on that a bit more. Now we have campaigns. Bottom of funnel campaigns is essentially retargeting people to the next step. Is it retargeting people to register for a webinar? Is it retargeting people that download a free product? Is it retargeting people to buy your physical product? There are all sorts of ways that you can do this. But what I'm talking about is the actual setup. You can see we have ABO's using ad set budgets and we have CBO's lifetime and CBO daily and a lot of this is using a lot of the same audience.
  • In this example, this campaign is at the very top for this e-commerce store, and using the best performing audiences after all tests of engagers for both Facebook and Instagram and website visitors over the last 60 days. But we talked about how in the initial testing, we had that same audience set with ad set budgets and with CBO. But then if we take it one step further, you can see, we did extensive testing with the website, visitors, engagers, add to carts, so on and so forth. And you can do this with ABO or CBO. I honestly would suggest that you do ABO first. If the audiences are small, you could set them to 25 or $50 a day and then target by individual segment. 
  • Then after you've figured out which of those audiences have done well, you can either retest the same setup with all of these audiences in a CBO set so let's just say $200 a day. Or you can take the best-performing ones from the ABO setup and move to a CBO. So let's say, for example, your engagers and your visitors did well, but nothing else. You move those engagers and visitors over to a CBO set to a daily budget. Let's just say $150 a day and you let those run, of course, do it with your best-performing image and copy combination or video and copy combination that way. At least you are using the best ads with those audiences, but make sure you are individually testing each audience first, before moving over to a CBO at scale.
  • Now also keep in mind if you do that same CBO setup, you can do it with a lifetime budget or you could do it with a daily eye test. Remember I've mentioned that lifetime has done well for us and sometimes daily performance has done well as well. So you have to test both, but now and again, it depends on the budget. 
  • I often find that you're able to pinpoint specifically, which of your retargeting audiences have the highest probability of scale because obviously, these audiences have to grow as you are advertising more on the platforms. That's often why I see visitors, video viewers and engagers doing so well because they constantly evolve as you run more ads. But if we're talking about view content, as in someone who's had a sales page from a webinar, that audience is very small.
  • So you don't want to retarget them to the registration. You're going to retarget them to the cart, to go buy something. The same thing with add to carts from a webinar, you're going to retarget them back to the cart to buy. And if it's a video viewer, and let's say they've watched 95% of your content versus three seconds, you might want to retarget them to a different ad. So it depends on what it is that you're advertising but start with every segment that we've talked about, creating individual budgets, find out which copy video copy combination works well, put them into a CBO, expand from there, and then you could scale. 
  • So make sure that you are breaking things down. As I mentioned with the ABO and CBO setups, and then simply scale based upon those audiences that seemed to show the highest probability of return on ad spend and then take it from there. You have to make sure that you're not only testing the budgets but the setups. Once you find the ones that do well along with the copy or video combination, copy the image or copy video combination that does well, you copy them over to a CBO and then you run them in the CBO at a slightly higher budget.
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David (00:01):

Hey everyone. Welcome back in this video, we're talking about retargeting campaigns that convert very simple straight to the point. And in the last video, we talked about setting up those custom audiences that will give you a successful retargeting campaign. So we're going to expand on that a bit more. And I did touch on this. Now we have campaigns. Bottom of funnel campaigns is essentially retargeting people to the next step. Now, is it retargeting people to register for webinar? Is it retargeting people that download a free product? Is it retargeting people to buy your physical product? There's all sorts of ways that you can do this. But what I'm talking about is the actual setup. Now keep in mind here. You can see we have HBO's using ad set budgets and we have CBS lifetime CBO, CBO daily. And a lot of this is using a lot of the same audience.

David (00:48):

Now this campaign at the very top for this e-commerce store, as you can see, is using the best performing audiences after all tests of engagers for both Facebook and Instagram and website visitors over the last 60 days. But we talked about how in the initial testing, we had obviously that same audience set with ad set budgets and with CBO. But then if we take it one step further, you can see, we did extensive testing with website, visitors, engagers, add to carts, so on and so forth. And you can do this with ABO or CBO. I honestly would suggest that you do ABO first. If the audiences are small, you could set them to 25 or $50 a day and then target by individual segment. So add to carts, visitors, engagers, uh, even people who are video viewers and do them by individual ad set budgets.

David (01:41):

And then after you've done that you find which of those audiences have done well. And you can either retest the same setup with all of these audiences in a CBO set to let's just say $200 a day, cause it's a lot of audiences, right? Or you can take the best performing ones from the ABO setup and move to a CBO. So let's say for example, your engagers and your visitors did really well, but nothing else. You move those engagers and visitors over to a CBO set to a daily budget. Let's just say $150 a day and you let those run, of course do it with your best performing image and copy combination or video and copy combination that way. At least you are using the best ads with those audiences, but make sure you are individually testing each audience first, before moving over to a CBO at scale.

David (02:31):

Now also keep in mind if you do that same CBO setup, you can do it with a lifetime budget or you could do it with a daily eye test. Both. Remember I've mentioned that lifetime has done really, really well for us sometimes daily performance. So you have to test both, but every now and again, it depends on the budget. You can see here, you know, a hundred dollars a day, you know, sometimes it's consistent sometimes not. And then for some reason, $160 a day seems to do better than a hundred. So you have to make sure that you're not only testing the budgets, but the setups. So once again, the set of bang, you take all the audiences, put them in one campaign set to an ABO setup. So individual budgets per audience, you could see which ones do well. And then once you find the ones that do well along with the copy or video combination, copy image or copy video combination that does well, you copy them over to a CBO and then you run them in the CBO at a slightly higher budget.

David (03:24):

That way you're at least able to scale those a little further. So if you do it in that fashion, I often find that you're able to pinpoint specifically, which of your retargeting audiences have the highest probability of scale because obviously these audiences have to grow as you are advertising more on the platforms. That's often why I see visitors, video viewers and engagers doing so well because they constantly evolve as you run more ads. Whereas add to cards, checkouts view, content, view, content, being that if they're viewing a specific page or a product page of its physical product, those grow too. But sometimes the view content people from an e-commerce site, yes, would be great for retargeting them to possibly get to the cart. But if we're talking about view content, as in someone who's had a sales page from a webinar, that audience is very small.

David (04:12):

So you don't want to retarget them to the registration. You're going to retarget them to the cart, to go buy something. Same thing with add to carts from a webinar, you're going to retarget them back to the cart to buy. And if it's a video viewer, and let's say they've watched 95% of your content versus three seconds, you might want to retarget them to a different ad. So it really depends on what it is that you're advertising, but start with every segment that we've talked about, creating individual budgets, find out which copy video copy combination works well, put them into a CBO, expand from there, and then you could scale. And I think from there, you're able to take it to the next level. As you could see in this account, for example, multiple campaigns targeting bottom of funnel ads, all retargeting audiences at varying levels. You could see the row as overall from all this retargeting 5.68 in this individual account with our best performing one at 6.78 return on ad spend for a e-commerce product. So make sure that you are breaking these down. As I mentioned with the ABO and CVO setups, and then simply scale based upon those audiences that seemed to show the highest probability of return on ad spend and then take it from there.


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