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Clicks, Conversions, Clients Course > Module 10: Webinar Funnel Advertising

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Video 01: Planning Your Advertising Deployment

  • In this video, we are talked about filling your webinars with ads, specifically Facebook and Instagram ads. We've used this platform quite a bit over the years, there are all sorts of ways that you can scale your advertising, especially when it comes to generating leads, producing purchases for your stores. But one thing we haven't touched on enough is how you're able to get hundreds of thousands of people to your webinar using the same strategies. So we're going to talk about planning your advertising deployment. We want to make sure that you're putting together the right pieces in place so that you have a successful webinar promotion or launch.
  • If you understand the psychology and the creativity that goes into making sure that people are paying attention to what you're putting out on the network than this won't be hard. It does require practice, I want to make that very clear. You're going to have to do this several times to get it right. You're going to have to go through this module several times, just to make sure that you do this whole process correctly from day one, expanded to about two, three webinars to make sure this process is down pat. And then also, I want to make sure you save yourself some money and headaches in this process.
  • So let's talk about the timeframe. There are live webinars and there are auto webinars. We follow this process quite a bit and you can change it up to what works for you, but this is what works for us. So we do about a five to seven-day promotion cycle. If the webinars on a Thursday we'll start ads as early as the previous Thursday, maybe even the previous Friday, that way we have enough time to test the copy and creative before we start to scale things up for that webinar. So allow about five to seven days. If it's a Thursday webinar, the latest we would start is Sunday. That way we have some time to ramp things up. I like to allow at least seven days for a full optimization period.
  • This also includes if you're going to do a replay or you're going to do a closedown sequence, that adds more time to your optimization window because you're also going to be advertising for replay viewers or people who made it to your sales page but not to the cart. It does take some time to optimize for registrations unless you get it correct from day one. So if you are going to start with high budgets, you can do a five-day window. You can even do a three-day window if you want, but you're going to have to be a lot more aggressive in your advertising. The average spend we see during the testing phase of a webinar is about two to $5,000.
  • Some people are spending less, but just imagine if you're going to do a full launch with enough people to show up, most of the time you're going to spend a couple of thousand bucks. The average spends that we see during an optimization period, meaning after they've done, at least a round or two of webinars they are spending about three thousand or more. By the time you feel like you got a feel for what audiences are doing well, what creatives doing well and what audiences seem to be producing purchases, you start to spend more. 
  • You spend about three thousand possibly even five per registration during the testing phase. This is dependent on the industry you're in, but a lot of the industries that we advertise in, we're seeing about four to 6, per registration in the testing phase. Sometimes we even see as low as three to 5, per registration during optimization. If you're in an industry, such as let's say real estate, sometimes we see the registrations start at eight to ten, and then they come down to somewhere between five to seven. So it's going to vary. 
  • For a lot of the people, we run ads for attendance rate 20 to 30% of the people who registered will show up if this incorporates your email lists or warm audiences. If we're looking at all cold audiences or people who are unfamiliar with you, you're going to be more in that 15 to 25% range. You should see at least 15%. If you do anything lower than that, that means that there's no eagerness or no scarcity to get people to show up.
  • So this is just a timeframe and a projection that you need to look forward to when you were putting together your webinar campaigns, the funnel. For those of you who are expecting to see a bunch of templates and everything, keep this in mind when you're putting together your webinar. You have your registration page, as you're testing things out you're going to need three to four variations along the way, short-form, long-form, short-form with a video on it, long-form with a video on it. For your thank you page put a video on there, telling people what they should expect, and what they're going to get. 
  • You want to have a page where you're going to retarget people who didn't register. It could be the same registration page, but for tracking purposes, maybe you want a separate page. So you want to retarget people who didn't register and you want us to also have a retargeting page for reminders. Let's say you want to make sure that everyone shows up the day before or two days before your webinar, you put together a page that simply reminds them. "Hey, the webinar's taking place on this day". You need to set up a reach ad and engagement ad and then you just make sure everyone who's registered are the people seeing this page. 
  • Lastly, a replay page with text for compliance purposes, that is essentially almost like a sales page, but it allows them to watch the replay. That way they can decide on whether or not they want to buy. Have you crafted almost like a sales page and there's enough text on the screen for Facebook to review what it is you're selling. You have a higher chance now that not only the ad gets approved, but also your page gets approved with legal ease and compliance. As a quick reminder, make sure you incorporate this little footer on all your pages in the funnel. This site is not a part of Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook's a trademark of Facebook, Inc. It's just ensuring that the people at Facebook know that none of this is being promoted by them and is endorsed by them. 
  • Also, make sure you have your copyright and your business name. If you were wanting to make sure that you look like a legitimate business link your about us, your terms and conditions and earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, and contact us. If you want to take it one step further, include business name and address. 
  • Now you have every possible thing that you need for compliance purposes. So that Facebook knows that you are a legal and supporting business in your country. When it comes to pixels, before even starting an ad, make sure you have your pixel in place. Of course, you know, you can do this with the conversion API, you can do this with the existing universal pixel, but we want to make sure that you want to have page views being tracked. You want to have complete registration as the thing that is going to be tracked when someone registers, this is what you're optimizing for.
  • View content is for people who hit your sales page or your replay page, you can decide on which one's more important to you. If you turn your replay page into a sales page, you have a two for one, you could set it up as view content, add to cart is for your cart and then purchase are for people who've purchased. So keep in mind your add to cart and purchase pixels do not always pull a 100% accurate data as we know with all pixels in this case. So this is typically better for evergreen campaigns. 
  • So when you're doing anything live, you're looking at registrations and view content. Of course, maybe some add to carts. If you're doing evergreen, you'll have a better case when it comes to tracking. Because in real-time, you'll be able to see someone came in today, they came in yesterday, they made a purchase. It's being tracked in the dashboard or whatever tracking platform you're using. So this is phase one of putting together all the pieces you need to advertise effectively.

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David (00:01):

Hey, everyone. Welcome back. And in this video, we are talking about filling your webinars with ads, specifically Facebook and Instagram ads. Now I know a lot of us have been using webinars over the years. We've used this platform quite a bit over the years, obviously, if you've made it to this point, you know, there are all sorts of ways that you can scale your advertising, especially when it comes to generating leads, producing purchases for your stores. But one thing we haven't touched on enough is how you're able to get hundreds of thousands of people to your webinar using the same strategies. We've talked about all throughout this course. And so I want to break down for you how to go about doing just that. So we're going to talk about planning your advertising deployment. And the reason is because we want to make sure that you're putting together the right pieces in place so that you have a successful webinar promotion or launch for that matter.

David (00:54):

Now, with that being said, you know, we're talking about filling your webinars with Facebook ads and well, let's be honest, it's not as difficult as you think, if you understand the psychology and the creativity that goes into making sure that people are paying attention to what you're putting out on the network. So this is the exact process I use for myself and my clients. It does require practice. I want to make that very clear. You're going to have to do this several times in order to get right. You're going to have to go through this module several times, just to make sure that you do this whole process correctly from day one, expanded to about two, three webinars in order to make sure this process is down Pat. And then also, I want to make sure you save yourself some money and headaches in this process.

David (01:34):

So let's talk about the timeframe, okay. There's live webinars, there's auto webinars. We follow this process quite a bit and you can obviously change it up to what works for you, but this is what works for us. So we do about a five to seven day promotion cycle. If it's a live webinar, uh, essentially think about it this way. If the webinars on a Thursday we'll start ads as early as the previous Thursday, maybe even the previous Friday, that way we have enough time in order to test the copy and creative before we start to scale things up for that webinar. So allow about five to seven days. Obviously, if it's a Thursday webinar, the latest we would start is Sunday. That way we have some time to really ramp things up. I like to allow at least seven days for a full optimization period.

David (02:15):

Might I add that this also includes if you're going to do a replay or you're going to do a close down sequence, that adds more time to your optimization window, because you're also going to be advertising for replay viewers or people who maybe made it to your sales page, but not to the cart. And we're going to talk about that quite a bit in a different video. Now keep in mind. It does take some time in order to optimize for registrations, unless you get it correct from day one. So if you are going to start with high budgets, you can actually do a five day window. You can even do a three-day window if you want, but you're going to have to be a lot more aggressive in your advertising. The average spend we see during the testing phase of a webinar is about two to $5,000.

David (02:57):

Some people are spending less, but just imagine if you're going to do a full launch with enough people to show up, most of the time you're going to spend a couple thousand bucks. The average spend that we see during an optimization period, meaning after they've done, at least a round or two of webinars are spending about three K or more. So you could already have done one or two webinars, maybe spent a thousand or $1,500 per webinar. By the time you feel like you got a feel for what audiences are doing well, what creatives doing well with audiences seem to be producing purchases so on and so forth. You start to spend more, you spend about three K possibly even five cost per registration during testing phase. This is dependent on the industry you're in, but a lot of the industries that we advertise in, we're seeing about four to $6, a registration in the testing phase.

David (03:40):

And sometimes we even see as low as three to $5, a registration during optimization. If you're in industry, such as let's say real estate, sometimes in real estate, we see the registrations start at eight to $10, and then they come down to somewhere between five to seven. So it's going to vary. This is just what we're seeing across the board. For a lot of the people, we run ads for attendance rate 20 to 30% of the people who registered will show up. If this incorporates your email lists or warm audiences, if you will, we're looking at all cold audiences or people who are unfamiliar with you. You're going to be more in that 15 to 25% range. You should see at least 15%. If you do anything lower than that, that means that there's no eagerness or no scarcity to get people to show up.

David (04:20):

And you need to work on that, right? So this is just a timeframe and a projection that you need to look forward to when you were putting together your webinar campaigns, the funnel. Now, for those of you who are expecting to see a bunch of templates and everything, obviously this is an ads course, but keep this in mind when you're putting together your webinar, right? You have your registration page. As you're testing things out, you're going to need three to four variations along the way, short form, long form short form with a video on it, long form with a video on it. So on and so forth. Your thank you page. Definitely put a video on there, telling people what they should expect, what they're going to get. You know, if it's something that's alive, you know, Hey, the video is going. This is going to start on this day at this time.

David (05:00):

Like, just make it very clear on what they're looking for. And then obviously give it to them. You want to have a page where you're going to retarget people who didn't register. It could be the same page, the same registration page, but for tracking purposes, maybe you want a separate page, right? So you want to retarget people who didn't register and you want us to also have a retargeting page for reminders. This is something we'll be talking about more as well. Let's say you want to make sure that everyone shows up the day before two days before your webinar, you put together a page that says simply reminding them, Hey, the webinar's taking place on this day, you set up a reach ad and engagement ad and you just make sure everyone who's registered is the only people who see this page. And then lastly, a replay page with text for compliance purposes, that is essentially almost like a sales page, but it gives them the opportunity to watch the replay.

David (05:46):

That way they can make a decision on whether or not they want to buy. Have you crafted almost like a sales page and there's enough text on the screen for Facebook to review what it is you're selling. You have a higher that the, well, not only the ad gets approved, but also your page gets approved now with legal ease and compliance. Obviously we've talked about this quite a bit throughout this entire course, but just as a quick reminder, make sure you incorporate this little footer on all your pages in the funnel. This site is not a part of Facebook website or Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this is not endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook's a trademark of Facebook, Inc. It's just ensuring that. Well, the people at Facebook know that none of this is being promoted by them and is endorsed by them. Also make sure you have your copyright, your business name.

David (06:29):

And if you were really wanting to make sure that you look like a legitimate business linked to your, about us, your terms and conditions and earnings disclaimer, privacy policy, contact us so on and so forth. You want to take it one step, further business name, business address. And now you have every possible thing that you need for compliance purposes. So that Facebook knows that you are a legal and supporting business in your country. When it comes to pixels before ever starting an ad, make sure you have your pixel in place. Of course, you know, you can do this with the conversion API. You can do this with the existing universal pixel, but we want to make sure that you want to have page views being tracked. You want to have complete registration as the thing that is going to be tracked when someone registers, this is what you're optimizing for.

David (07:12):

View content is for people who hit your sales page or your replay page, you can decide on which one's more important to you. If you turn your replay page into a sales page, well, you have a two for one, you could set it up as view content, add to cart is for your cart and then purchase are for people who've purchased. And so keep in mind your add to cart and purchase pixels do not always pull a hundred percent accurate data as we know with all pixels in this case. So this is typically better for evergreen campaigns. So when you're doing anything that is live, you're basically looking at registrations and view content. And of course, maybe some add to carts. Two purchases will be here and there. If you're doing evergreen, you'll have a better case when it comes to tracking. Because in real time, you'll be able to see, you know, someone came in today, they came in yesterday, they bought it's being tracked in the dashboard or whatever tracking platform you're using. So this is just phase one, obviously putting together all the pieces you need in order to advertise effectively. And so with that being said, let's go into the next video and talk about what needs to happen next to have a successful webinar.    


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