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Okay, let's talk about mapping out your content. So for me, the first thing that I like to do is just brain dump, right brain dump. Take all of the stuff that's on your mind about your product. And I have a nice whiteboard in my office. I have a bigger one that we also use, um, for map out a lot more content, like seeing the big picture. And so don't try to figure out where everything goes first. Just get all of the ideas and the concepts that you want out of your mind. Now, if it's, you know, a how to course where you're going to be walking them through step by step, how to do something, uh, for example, sharing your screen and showing different websites. Let's say you know how to rank your website on page one of Google, you know the content is going to be fairly straight forward.
So, and in addition to brain dumping, you can also start thinking about, you know, what are the steps, right? You don't have to get all these perfect. Now just get them out on paper or on a whiteboard, you know, because clearly before you do X, Y, and Z, you're going to have to do, you know, a, B and C, right? This has to come first. So before you do this step, you have to do steps. So the steps are going to be a lot easier. And then let me show you what that looks like for me. When I was mapping out the content of this course, here's my whiteboard, just one morning getting everything out of my mind that I knew I wanted to talk about. And it was just kind of a coincidence that everything started to begin with a P M so I started talking about what is the product, you know, how do you position it?
What are the pain points of the problems and who is it for? What are the people that you're trying to target and what's the price point in the process? And I was like, Oh my gosh, there's all these peas. So it just stuck with that and started thinking about what are all of these components to this and getting all, all these ideas out on, on paper like this, or in my case on a whiteboard, it allowed me to think about the things that weren't necessarily top of mind. So that's the point of brainstorm. It is, is you getting even bad ideas lead to good ideas. So get everything out of your mind and where you can see it. And then you can contemplate, what am I missing? What else do I need to add? You know, what do I really want to say when I talk about this thing?
And then, so the next step for me, uh, is to organize, you know, after you've done all of this part, you know, the next step is to organize my handwriting's terrible. I apologize. Organize your material into some type of outline or your steps. Um, the first thing I like to do is think about how can I arrange this material so that there's the first part, at the very least, you know, I want to do everything in modules. So how is, how can I arrange it so that there's the first part, there's the middle part, and then there's the end part. So the next, uh, after taking a picture of that, you know, started to organize it into your pieces in the packaging and the presentation. And then ultimately that led to, now that's not, you know, that's not ideal. First let's talk about the product itself and then your webinar set up, you know, all the pages and then, you know, the presentation is such a big part of the webinar.
I mean, it's what really distinguishes just having this on your website and actually put it into webinar format. Uh, and then the promotion. How can we promote once we have, you know, our setup, we have our presentation, how do we promote this? So that's ultimately what led to the arrangement and organization of the content that you see today. So step one, brain, dump it, put it into steps, organize it into modules, and then map out the content, um, into some type of outline. The reason why I really like to do an outline is because it can also serve two purposes. It will help you organize your thoughts and kind of give structure to how you develop your videos and you know, create a checklist for yourself to create, to check off all these videos. But also it gives you another deliverable. So now that I have listed on all of these steps and all the videos I want to make, I can use this as another added bonus or, or a value add onto the course itself. So I've done that, just that with this course I've created, you know, the outline for all the content, but then I turned it into a checklist for you to follow when creating your webinar, um, and your product and all of these parts. And also you could turn it into like a mind map or an action guide or anything like that. So it kind of serves two purposes.